
Αν όλα τα παρακάτω, στο άρθρο που ακολουθεί, έχουν ειπωθεί (σε μια κρίση ειλικρίνειας;) από μια δεσπόζουσα μορφή της δημοσιογραφίας σχετικά με το συνάφι της, 135 περίπου χρόνια πριν, σκεφτείτε τι ισχύει σήμερα. Στην πρόταση τίτλου του Σουίντον για τη φύση των επαγγελματιών της "ενημέρωσης" μπορούμε σήμερα να κρατήσουμε μόνο το δεύτερο χαρακτηρισμό, θεωρώντας καταχρηστικό (για την έννοια της διανόησης) τον πρώτο! Στην εποχή του παγκοσμιοποιημένου επιθετικού καπιταλισμού, της κυριαρχίας παγκοσμίως 500 το πολύ οικογενειών σε όλους τους νευραλγικούς τομείς, με το πολυπλόκαμο κι ασύλληπτα διακλαδιζόμενο δίκτυο εταιρειών και ιδρυμάτων τους (έρευνα-ενέργεια-βιομηχανία όπλων, τροφίμων, φαρμάκων-παροχή υπηρεσιών-εκδόσεις-εκπαίδευση-"ψυχαγωγία"- οικολογία-πληροφόρηση και φυσικά...πολλές ΜΚΟ), η δημοσιογραφική "δεοντολογία" εξαντλείται στην απόλυτα ελεγχόμενη μεταφορά και διασπορά ειδήσεων και γεγονότων(αληθών ή κατασκευασμένων), με τα απαραίτητα σχόλια και την κριτική που τις "χρωματίζει" και ερμηνεύει ανάλογα.
Υπηρετώντας έτσι ποικιλοτρόπως τα συμφέροντα των εργοδοτών κι εντολοδοτών τους. Και φυσικά η διαχείριση των ειδήσεων απ'αυτούς έχει αυστηρά εμπορευματοποιημένο χαρακτήρα. Οι ελάχιστες φωτεινές εξαιρέσεις στο χώρο της δημοσιογραφίας, πραγματικά μαχητικών υπερασπιστών της αλήθειας, καταλήγουν ή στο ταμείο ανεργίας ή...(όταν γίνουν πολύ επικίνδυνες για το "οικοδόμημα") σε τόπο χλοερό και γαλήνιο...
John Swinton
John Swinton (1829-1901): Σκοτσέζος οικονομολόγος, δημοσιογράφος, αρθρογράφος και διευθυντής σύνταξης στην εφημερίδα New York Times (1860-1870) και στην προοδευτική εφημερίδα The New York Sun (1875-1897).
Ανάμεσα στις επιτυχίες του συγκαταλέγεται συνέντευξη που πήρε από τον Karl Marx τον Αύγουστο 1880 και δημοσιεύτηκε στην προοδευτική εφημερίδα Sun στις 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 1880.
O John Swinton, όταν μια νύχτα του 1880 σε μια σύναξη δημοσιογράφων κάποιος έκανε μια πρόποση «στο ανεξάρτητο του Τύπου», απάντησε:
«Δεν υπάρχει κάτι, μέχρι τη σημερινή μέρα στην Αμερική, που να χρίζει τον τίτλο ‘ανεξάρτητος Τύπος’. Το γνωρίζετε και το γνωρίζω. Δεν υπάρχει ούτε ένας από εσάς που να τολμάει να γράψει την ειλικρινή του γνώμη, και αν το κάνετε ξέρετε εκ των προτέρων ότι δεν θα τυπωθεί ποτέ.
Πληρώνομαι εβδομαδιαία για να κρατάω τις έντιμες απόψεις μου έξω από την εφημερίδα με την οποία συνδέομαι. Άλλοι από εσάς λαμβάνετε παρόμοιους μισθούς για παρόμοια θέματα και όποιος από εσάς φανεί τόσο ανόητος ώστε να γράψει ειλικρινείς απόψεις, θα βρεθεί στο δρόμο να ψάχνει για άλλη δουλειά. Αν επέτρεπα στις ειλικρινείς απόψεις μου να εμφανιστούν στην εφημερίδα μου, πριν περάσουν 24 ώρες, θα έχανα τη δουλειά μου.
Η δουλειά του δημοσιογράφου είναι να καταστρέφει την αλήθεια, να ψεύδεται κατάφορα, να διαστρεβλώνει, να διαβάλει, να κολακεύει το θεό του χρήματος και να πουλάει τη χώρα του και τους συνανθρώπους του για το καθημερινό του ψωμί. Το γνωρίζετε και το γνωρίζω και δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω τι ανοησία είναι αυτή η πρόποση στον ‘ανεξάρτητο Τύπο’.
Είμαστε υποτελείς και εργαλεία των πλουσίων ανθρώπων που βρίσκονται στο παρασκήνιο. Είμαστε μαριονέτες, εκείνοι τραβάνε τα κορδόνια κι εμείς χορεύουμε. Τα ταλέντα μας, οι δυνατότητες και οι ζωές μας είναι όλα ιδιοκτησία άλλων ανθρώπων. Είμαστε διανοούμενες πόρνες».
Karl Marx
Interview by John Swinton, The Sun, no. 6, 6 September 1880
The interview with the editor of the progressive New York newspaper The Sun took place August 1880 (Transcribed for the Internet Jan 18 1996 by z.)
One of the most remarkable men of the day, who has played an inscrutable but puissant part in the revolutionary politics of the past forty years, is Karl Marx. A man without desire for show or fame, caring nothing for the fanfaronade of life or the pretence of power, without haste and without rest, a man of strong, broad, elevated mind, full of far-reaching projects, logical methods, and practical aims, he has stood and yet stands behind more of the earthquakes which have convulsed nations and destroyed thrones, and do now menace and appal crowned heads and established frauds, than any other man in Europe, not excepting Joseph Mazzini himself.
The student of Berlin, the critic of Hegelianism, the editor of papers, and the old-time correspondent of the New York Tribune, he showed his qualities and his spirit; the founder and master spirit of the once dreaded International and the author of "Capital", he has been expelled from half the countries of Europe, proscribed in nearly all of them, and for thirty years past has found refuge in London. He was at Ramsgate the great seashore resort of the Londoners, while I was in London, and there I found him in his cottage, with his family of two generations.
The saintly-faced, sweet-voiced, graceful woman of suavity who welcomed me at the door was evidently the mistress of the house and the wife of Karl Marx. And is this massive-headed, generous-featured, courtly, kindly man of 60, with the bushy masses of long revelling gray hair, Karl Marx? His dialogue reminded me of that of Socrates -- so free, so sweeping, so creative, so incisive, so genuine -- with its sardonic touches, its gleams of humor, and its sportive merriment.
He spoke of the political forces and popular movements of the various countries of Europe -- the vast current of the spirit of Russia, the motions of the German mind, the action of France, the immobility of England. He spoke hopefully of Russia, philosophically of Germany, cheerfully of France, and sombrely of England -- referring contemptuously to the "atomistic reforms" over which the Liberals of the British Parliament spend their time. Surveying the European world, country after country, indicating the features and the developments and the personages on the surface and under the surface, he showed that things were working toward ends which will assuredly be realized. I was often surprised as he spoke.
It was evident that this man, of whom so little is seen or heard, is deep in the times, and that, from the Neva to the Seine, from the Urals to the Pyrenees, his hand is at work preparing the way for the new advent. Nor is his work wasted now any more than it has been in the past, during which so many desirable changes have been brought about, so many heroic struggles have been seen, and the French republic has been set up on the heights.
As he spoke, the question I had put, "Why are you doing nothing now?" was seen to be a question of the unlearned, and one to which he could not make direct answer. Inquiring why his great work "Capital", the seed field of so many crops, had not been put into English as it has been put into Russian and French from the original German, he seemed unable to tell, but said that a proposition for an English translation had come to him from New York. He said that that book was but a fragment, a single part of a work in three parts, two of the parts being yet unpublished, the full trilogy being "Land", "Capital", "Credit" , the last part, he said, being largely illustrated from the United States, where credit has had such an amazing development. Mr. Marx is an observer of American action, and his remarks upon some of the formative and substantive forces of American life were full of suggestiveness. By the way, in referring to his "Capital", he said that any one who might desire to read it would find the French translation much superior in many ways to the German original. Mr. Marx referred to Henri Rochefort the Frenchman, and in his talk of some of his dead disciples, the stormy Bakunin, the brilliant Lassalle, and others, I could see how his genius had taken hold of men who, under other circumstances, might have directed the course of history.
The afternoon is waning toward the twilight of an English summer evening as Mr. Marx discourses, and he proposes a walk through the seaside town and along the shore to the beach, upon which we see many thousand people, largely children, disporting themselves. Here we find on the sands his family party -- the wife, who had already welcomed me, his two daughters with their children, and his two sons-in-law, one of whom is a Professor in King's College, London, and the other, I believe, a man of letters. It was a delightful party -- about ten in all -- the father of the two young wives, who were happy with their children, and the grandmother of the children, rich in the joysomeness and serenity of her wifely nature. Not less finely than Victor Hugo himself does Karl Marx understand the art of being a grandfather; but, more fortunate than Hugo, the married children of Marx live to cheer his years.
Toward nightfall he and his sons-in-law part from their families to pass an hour with their American guest. And the talk was of the world, and of man, and of time, and of ideas, as our glasses tinkled over the sea. The railway train waits for no man, and night is at hand. Over the thought of the babblement and rack of the age and the ages, over the talk of the day and the scenes of the evening, arose in my mind one question touching upon the final law of being, for which I would seek answer from this sage. Going down to the depth of language, and rising to the height of emphasis, during an interspace of silence, I interrogated the revolutionist and philosopher in these fateful words, "What is?" And it seemed as though his mind were inverted for a moment while he looked upon the roaring sea in front and the restless multitude upon the beach. "What is?" I had inquired, to which, in deep and solemn tone, he replied: "Struggle!"
At first it seemed as though I had heard the echo of despair; but, peradventure, it was the law of life.
John Swinton (1830-1901) [December 12, 1830-December 15, 1901] was a notable journalist, economist, and orator. Swinton became the chief editorial writer at The New York Times from 1860 to 1870 and an editorial writer for The New York Sun from 1875 to 1897. His brother,William Swinton, was also a famous journalist. [1]
Quotes - We are intellectual prostitutes.
"There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." [2] [3]
- Striking for Life: Labor's Side of the Labor Question. Keller. 1894. pp. 499.
- A Momentous Question: The Respective Attitudes of Labor and Capital. A. R. Keller. 1894. pp. 498.
- "The Tompkins square outrage: Appeal of John Swinton, addressed to the Legislature, through the Committee on Grievances, and delivered in the Assembly chamber at Albany, March 25th, 1874". 8pp.
- "The New Slave Trade". In Bruce Shapiro, Shaking the foundations: 200 years of investigative journalism in America. Nation Books, 2003, pp.40-44.
Further reading
Waters, Robert (1902). Career and conversation of John Swinton, journalist, orator, economist.
C.H. Kerr. pp. 84. http://books.google.com/books?id=t9gpAAAAYAAJ.
1. "JOHN SWINTON DEAD". The New York Times. December 16, 1901,
http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9F05E2DA1E39EF32A25755C1A9649D946097D6CF. Retrieved May 7, 2010.
2. Upton Sinclair (1915). The Cry for Justice. p. 754.
3. Upton Sinclair (1920). The Brass Check. p. 400.
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